Young South African Girl Jailed for Life in Thailand after Signing for Parcel Containing Drugs, Addressed to her Employer!

IMF & World Banksters used ANC & “anti-racism” to Trick South Africans into Permanent Debt Slavery!

Is Corporate SA Infected by ANC Corruption, Greed & Negligence? Dimension Data NTT Case Study

VIDEO: “Stop Hiring Blacks or Commit Suicide!” Catholic Prof. in USA Teaches Students it’s an Ethical Act When SA Whites Commit Suicide!

Five Grandparents Including 3 Farmers Brutally Murdered in Five Days in “Progressive” South Africa, But We Are Told To Worry About #CoronaVirus?

VIDEO: “Hug a Chinese” Activists Blamed For Italy’s High #CoronaVirus Infections as Cyril & The Pro China Left Try Bullsh*t The Virus With Virtue Signalling & PC Speeches!

#TheAfricanWay – Another day, another black school burnt down – Black learners may now have (want) to get their education in traditionally white schools?

#TheAfricanWay Toilet scandal – several senior ANC officials arrested after being awarded R650m tender to build 66,000 toilets

South African Army has also run out of money – this is how much trouble SANDF is in

SA: The Land of Destruction – With 57 murders each day, the country is more unsafe than when war-ravaged Syria